Hatter M: Volume One - The Looking Glass Wars - Liz Cavalier, Frank Beddor, Ben Templesmith

This is a spin-off, graphic novel series based around the Looking Glass Wars trilogy by Frank Beddor. I loved his few pages of illustrations in the books, so I thought that a graphic novel would be the perfect follow-up to the series. I was also interested because Hatter was such an amazing character in the books. This story picks up right after Alyss is taken from Wonderland. But, whereas the Looking Glass Wars focused on Alyss's perspective, this series takes on Hatter's POV.
      I thought that this would focus more on Hatter and his sense of military duty, considering his background and his obsession with protecting Alyss. Instead, he has no method for locating her. The "glow" that he mentions a few times isn't explained fully, and the illustrations are so dark and jagged that the "glow" isn't seen very clearly. I wish that his psychological state was shown more often, since the panic of both failing his Queen and of harm befalling Alyss would bring that out of him.
      The story is a little disorganized. The plot seems to center around Hatter throwing his hat as often as he can. As far as fighting is concerned, he is almost unmatched. However, since this world has different opponents, and Imagination isn't as much of a weapon as it is in Wonderland, I thought he handled himself a little too readily.
      I'm not sure if I'm going to buy the other graphic novels. I'm looking for more of a story, and these plotlines were a little too thin for me.